Q3 Newsletter
August 22, 2023

Dear Cautious Optimist,
Somehow we are closing in on Labor Day. Historically, summer is our quiet season, yet it has been anything but quiet around here. We’ve welcomed our newest team member, Nicolas Lopez, held a successful Caregiver event for clients and completed another great experience with our Summer Intern, Jarrett.
With the year passing about as fast as the newsreel, we thought it would be good to slow down and remember we’re “Playing the Long Game” when it comes to investing. This is the focus of the main article of the Q3 Newsletter.
Also Included in the Newsletter are Links to:
- Is the S&P 500 My Benchmark – Align Blog Post
- U.S. Economy Hit by Rolling Recession – American Funds Article
- Morgan Housel, author of “The Psychology of Money” – Franklin Covey Interview
- Personal Finance for Kids – YouTube Playlist on Financial Basics
- Beware the Media – Align Produced Video